Cowry Shell Divination
A divination system crafted and passed on by Elder Malidoma Patrice Somé
Insights to incite clarity.
A cowry shell divination is a unique and powerful way to connect with the ancestral realm to gain clarity and insight in your life. It reflects back and emphasizes your gifts and purpose here and now.
My journey with divination..
It started in 2021 when I traveled to Elder Malidoma’s home village of Dano in Burkina Faso, Africa. I don’t have enough words to describe the feeling of being touched by this practice without even understanding what the shaman was saying while it was happening. I felt moved to tears and could feel the truth even without knowing the Dagara language.
In the span of 10 days I received multiple divinations and participated in rituals that would ripple out and continue to radically change my life. I knew I needed to take the divination training with Elder Malidoma and the prospect of that was both exciting and slightly terrifying.
Elder Malidoma passed from this earth December 9, 2021 and entrusted Elder Theresa Sykes Brittany and a support staff to carry on this work. I completed my training and received certification in this divination form in July 2023.
If you would like to schedule a session please contact me!

“This is no longer the time to skim the surface. The time has come for your authenticity to blossom.”
— Malidoma Somé
Malidoma Patrice Somé
January 30, 1956 - December 9, 2021
You can learn more about Elder Malidoma Patrice Somé’s legacy and programs you can attend by visiting: https://malidoma.com/main/